Abstracts submission
Lists of abstracts
All abstracts:
Abstracts submission
Abstract must be written in English and entered into the submission form (available after logging in). If you do not have an account, you will needed to register here
Deadline for the abstracts submission: May 21th, 2019
The authors may be informed about acceptance of their abstracts. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings of Abstracts which will be available at the beginning of the Conference. Before May 20, 2019, all rejected abstracts may be corrected by the Participants and re-sent to the Commission.
Abstract is obligatory only for participants that would like to share their research through a presentation or a poster.
A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of abstracts is available on the Instructions for Authors page ( here ).
Presentations (papers / files)
The language of the conference presentations will be English. The time of each speech, including discussions, will be approximately 15 minutes. Participants will have at their disposal:
• a projector with a computer and the software Adobe Acrobat Reader, MS PowerPoint and other (if any extension is missing, please let us know)
• a transparency projector
• a traditional whiteboard
• a laser pointer
We encourage authors whose abstract have been accepted, to send their presentations.